This true love and extemporaneous humour, make full - court audience uses a facial expression for it.
这真挚的感情和即兴的幽默, 使全场听众为之动容.
互联网It is usually played on full court with 2 hoops.
互联网The committee put on a full court press to collect the necessary funds.
互联网There are three kinds: full court press, - court press and zone press. Others are one - man - press and - man - press.
有三种: 全场紧逼 、 半场紧逼及区域紧逼. 除此之外,还有一人紧逼和双人紧逼.
互联网Do you know how to play full - court press?
你会打全场区域紧逼 吗 ?
互联网There are three full court press, half - court press and zone press.
有3种:全场紧逼, 半场紧逼及区域紧逼.
互联网But from the opening buzzer the Rams launched a full - court press, and never let up.
不过,在开场哨吹响后,公羊队打起了全场紧逼, 无丝毫放松.
互联网God, Frenchie's really putting on the full - court press , huh?
上帝啊, 法国佬要来场彻彻底底的求爱?
电影对白Place cast an increment, decide every are 3000 yuan, full - court is sent 383.
定下投股增量, 确定每股为3000元, 全场发股383股.
互联网When Baylor full court, people looked at the ceiling with equanimity.
互联网Ground of full - court guest all with one voice says.
互联网Our school has a full - court basketball tournament every year.
互联网The measure mostly depend on combination of laser full - court diffraction and computer imaging with CCD.
互联网Full Court did not give up, again why we must exchange money overseas?
合议庭不死心, 再问一次为什么钱一定要汇到海外?
互联网Temporarily full - court in an uproar, the catcall below the stage.
一时全场哗然, 台下嘘声一片.
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